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16th February 2018

Sixth form–led Code Clubs at Calday Grange Grammar School

Since we extended Code Club’s age range to include secondary school ages up to 13 last year, we’ve seen a number of new approaches to running Code Clubs. Nicola Mounsey, Computer Science Teacher at Calday Grange Grammar School, talks about how their sixth form students have become volunteers and helped to build a Code Club …

1st February 2018

Meet the 2018 Code Club Champions

We’re very proud to be introducing our Code Club Champions for 2018! What is a Code Club Champion? Our Champions are a small group of volunteers from across the UK who we’ve invited to get involved in some extra activities to help us develop and grow Code Club. “It’s a blast being a Champion. I’m …

17th January 2018

Code Club in 2018

Happy new year! As we kick off the new year full of energy and ideas, Maria Quevedo, Director of Code Club, tells us what the Code Club team has planned for the year ahead. 2017 was a great year for Code Club We welcomed almost 2000 new clubs to our community. A massive thank you …

15th December 2017

T.E.D., the Talk Enabled Development project

At Code Club, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn to code. So when we heard about a club that had found a new and unique way to support a blind child’s coding, Katharine Childs, Regional Coordinator for the East Midlands, went along to find out more. Introducing Ted I was welcomed …

5th December 2017

Code Club festive competition: we have a winner!

In October, we launched our first-ever competition exclusively for active Code Clubs. In keeping with the season, the challenge was to code a festive message using one of two Code Club projects as a starting point. Incredible entries We were super excited when the submissions started rolling in, and all in all we received more …

20th November 2017

Free online course: prepare to run a Code Club

On 20 November, Code Club will be launching a brand-new free online course called Prepare to Run a Code Club on FutureLearn. Join it, and in just a few hours you will learn the skills and gain the confidence you need to start up a Code Club. Sarah Sheerman-Chase, Participation Manager for Code Club UK, tells …

17th November 2017

Time to get coding in Belfast

Back in August, the Code Club team went to visit a Code Club in Belfast run by some fabulous volunteers from PwC as part of their Hive Hackers project, which engages with 6- to 11-year-olds and teachers at primary schools across the region to teach coding and technology. PwC was also collaborating with the Time …

10th November 2017

Tinkering and sharing at Sheldon School Code Club

Computing and IT teacher Tom Shaw at Sheldon School in Chippenham shares his experience of running Code Club for Year 7 and 8 students.

27th October 2017

Working with Councils

Here at Code Club, we love to collaborate to create new clubs and opportunities so that even more young people have the chance to get involved in computing and digital making. In this blog post, Anna Pearson, Code Club Regional Coordinator for the North East, tell us how she has been working alongside Northumberland County …

18th October 2017

Getting with the programme: Code Clubs and the digital challenge in Brent Libraries

Sarah Smith, Libraries Development Manager at Brent Libraries, tells us what the organisation is doing to offer more Code Clubs for local young people, and how her Code Club Regional Coordinator has helped her organisation take steps forward. We launched our first Code Club in January 2016. It was a service we always wanted to …

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