19th February 2016
New HTML & CSS Projects
We’ve finished updating Code Club’s HTML & CSS curriculum, which now contains 12 new projects! These new projects each introduce web design concepts through fun, engaging activities. The new projects make use of Trinket to create and share webpages online. Trinket offers several advantages over using a text editor offline. As well as seeing a live preview …
18th February 2016
Northamptonshire coding competition winners announced!
Last week, we attended the awards ceremony for the Race to the Top Coding Competition in Northampton. Schools from across Northamptonshire took part in the competition, which was run for the first time this year by Northamptonshire County Council, with support from the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists (WCIT, a City of London Livery Company), …
11th February 2016
Run a Code Club & boost your digital skills
Learning to code can be a great first step for children to gain an interest and passion in computing. This interest can open up a range of options for academic subjects and a variety of career paths in the future. But it’s not just children who stand to gain career-boosting digital skills: running a Code …
8th February 2016
Some updates for Yorkshire & the NE
We’ve got some changes happening to our Yorkshire, Humber and North East region. Our lovely Regional Coordinator Linda Broughton, who has been with us since 2014, is moving on to new opportunities. Linda has built up an amazing network of clubs across the region and has provided support and encouragement for so many of our …
29th January 2016
Announcing our new partner: Tech North
Today we are excited to make the announcement that Tech North has joined Code Club as a Supporting Partner for 2016, hooray! Tech North is a government-funded initiative whose mission is to accelerate the development of the North’s digital economy. Their team is particularly focused on the seven cities of Hull, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield …
28th January 2016
Code Club Annual Report 2015
2015 was an exciting year for Code Club. For anyone keen to find out more about our progress and growth over the past year, we have complied an annual report, which you can download a copy of here or view our handy summary below… CODE CLUB IN THE UK During 2015, Code Clubs have been created in a …
25th January 2016
Parent volunteers: Run a Code Club at your child’s school
We’re always keen to get more parents involved in running Code Clubs at their children’s school. Here we profile two amazing parent volunteers who are currently leading a Code Club. They share how simple and rewarding it has been for them to take part in their school community by helping to give children the opportunity …
18th January 2016
Goodbye to our super SW Coordinator
We’re really sad to be saying goodbye to Seemah Nahome-Burgess, our Regional Coordinator for the South West. Seemah has been with Code Club since 2014 and has built up a network of volunteers in the South West, as well as forging new relationships and generally being the face of Code Club locally. She is brilliant …
15th January 2016
Can you help us get Manchester coding?
With funding from Google’s Digital Garage, we are looking to offer free training on the computing curriculum for 200 teachers in the Manchester area over the next few months, and we need your help. The computing curriculum came into effect in England in September 2014, and teachers are now expected to teach computer science to …
13th January 2016
Join Code Club at Bett!
On Wednesday 20th – Saturday 23rd January from 10am – 6pm (4pm on Saturday) Code Club will be exhibiting at Bett at ExCel London, alongside the education team from Raspberry Pi. Bett is where educators from around the UK, and the world, gather to share expertise and ideas about education through technology. It is a …