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10th September 2024

The Future is bright: Why should young people learn to code?

When we talk about coding and digital making, the question ‘why should young people learn to code?’ will often come up in the conversation. It’s a great question with lots of interesting answers. Let’s dig deeper! There’s no doubt that there is a buzz about the future of technology and where this fast-paced digital era …

2nd July 2024

Unlocking potential: How Code Clubs benefit young people with special educational needs

Code Clubs offer a fantastic way for young people with special educational needs (SEN) to develop essential skills like coding, computational thinking, creativity, and problem-solving. In today’s digital world, inclusive education that promotes digital literacy is key to ensuring all young people have a chance to succeed. SEN covers a broad range of learning needs, …

18th June 2024

Welcoming all young coders: Building inclusive Code Clubs

In today’s increasingly diverse and interconnected world, creating inclusive and engaging learning environments for all learners is more important than ever. This is especially true in STEM fields like computer science, where underrepresented groups, such as women, certain ethnic groups, and learners from lower social and economic backgrounds, have historically been marginalised. Culturally relevant and …

2nd May 2024

Express yourself: Make a mood board webpage in your Code Club

Our ‘Mood board’ project, from the Introduction to web design path, helps young people turn their inspiration into a mood board webpage, filled with colours, images, and fonts they’ve carefully selected. Kevin, Club Programs Manager, USA, explains why ‘Mood board’ is a great creative outlet for your club members and why a mood board webpage …

16th April 2024

‘Hello World’: The perfect Python project for your Code Club

Are you ready to introduce your Code Club members to the exciting world of text-based coding? Vasu, our Programme Manager in India, shares her enthusiasm for our ‘Hello World’ Python project. Discover why it’s the perfect starting point for anyone wanting to learn Python and how your young coders can showcase their creations in the …

19th March 2024

Tips for vibrant Code Club sessions!

At a recent Code Club ‘Coffee and Conversation’ meetup, we had a thoughtful discussion on ways to keep Code Club sessions fun and engaging for everyone. Here are some tips we discussed to help fuel enthusiasm. Choose a variety of projects Our range of fun coding projects involve different programming languages and cater for different …

6th March 2024

Discover ‘Don’t collide!’ – A great starter project for Python and Coolest Projects

Does Raspberry Pi Foundation Learning Manager, Mac, have a favourite Code Club project? Yes, he does! He shares insights into an exciting Python game that promises both fun and learning. He also explains why it’s an excellent choice of project to enter into the 2024 Coolest Projects online showcase! Hi Mac! You’ve worked on a …

21st February 2024

Code Club and International Mother Language Day: Embracing diversity

Depending on our culture, beliefs, and interests, February can mean different things for each of us — Lunar New Year, Valentine’s Day, World Nutella Day… the list goes on. On 21 February, there is a day related to everyone: International Mother Language Day. Celebrating linguistic diversity International Mother Language Day celebrates the diversity of languages …

18th October 2023

Progression in Code Clubs: What matters to you?

Although Code Clubs are fun and informal, some clubs like to observe and track the progress that their members make. Over the summer, we consulted members of our global Code Club community to find out what you see and value as progress. We also talked about the tools available to help you observe and celebrate …

20th September 2023

Our Code Club rules! How to have fun and set boundaries

Creating guidelines for your Code Club can be a simple way to help your young coders make the most of the non-formal environment that Code Club offers. In this blog, we share a few ideas to help you get started. Code Clubs are fun, creative, and at times wonderfully chaotic spaces. If you’re a teacher …

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