Peterborough CoderDojo @ Orton Library

S'abonner à ce club

En vous abonnant à ce club, vous recevrez par e-mail des mises à jour et des notifications concernant le club, telles que les événements à venir.

Informations importantes

Événements habituels: toutes les deux semaines le samedi. 14:15 - 16:30

Ce club organise des événements en présentiel

Bénévoles nécessaires


Orton LibraryBushfieldOrton GoldhayPETERBOROUGHPE2 5RQ

Voir sur Google Maps


Please bring:

A parent! (Very important). If you are 12 or under, your parent must stay with you during the session.

Please do not attend if you or your child have symptoms of or have tested positive for Covid-19. 

Please use the hand santiser provided when entering the library.

We are now running two Dojo sessions every fortnight on Saturdays.

The first session takes place from 2:15pm - 3:15pm.

The second session is from 3:30pm - 4:30pm.

S'abonner à ce club

En vous abonnant à ce club, vous recevrez par e-mail des mises à jour et des notifications concernant le club, telles que les événements à venir.

Événements à venir

Important : si les jeunes présents ont moins de 13 ans, un parent ou un tuteur doit rester avec eux pendant toute la durée de l'événement.

Peterborough CoderDojo at Orton Library - Saturday 22nd March (Session 1)

22 mars 2025, 14:15 - 15:15

0 billet restant


  • Peterborough CoderDojo is a free, relaxed and fun programming club for children aged 7-17.
  • We offer a range of activities suitable for beginners and experienced coders.
  • Children can learn to make their own digital creations such as animations, games and websites.
  • You must book a place to attend.
  • Attendees aged 12 or under must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Please note we are currently offering two sessions to enable more children to attend. Both sessions will be the same - please book your child onto one of the two sessions only.
  • Please don’t come if you suspect you have, or are positive for, Covid-19.
  • The library can get very warm during hot weather. We advise you to bring a bottle of water for your child.
  • If you book in for a session but can no longer attend, please let us know so we can make the space available for another child.
  • If a session you would like to attend is fully booked, please email to be added to the waiting list.

Peterborough CoderDojo at Orton Library - Saturday 22nd March (Session 2)

22 mars 2025, 15:30 - 16:30

0 billet restant


  • Peterborough CoderDojo is a free, relaxed and fun programming club for children aged 7-17.
  • We offer a range of activities suitable for beginners and experienced coders.
  • Children can learn to make their own digital creations such as animations, games and websites.
  • You must book a place to attend.
  • Attendees aged 12 or under must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Please note we are currently offering two sessions to enable more children to attend. Both sessions will be the same - please book your child onto one of the two sessions only.
  • Please don’t come if you suspect you have, or are positive for, Covid-19.
  • The library can get very warm during hot weather. We advise you to bring a bottle of water for your child.
  • If you book in for a session but can no longer attend, please let us know so we can make the space available for another child.
  • If a session you would like to attend is fully booked, please email to be added to the waiting list.

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