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En vous abonnant à ce club, vous recevrez par e-mail des mises à jour et des notifications concernant le club, telles que les événements à venir.

Informations importantes

Événements habituels: Events will take place during the FOSDEM weekend. 09:00 - 19:00

Ce club organise des événements en présentiel

Bénévoles nécessaires


Av. Paul Héger 6, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

Voir sur Google Maps


FOSDEM, Code Club, and developers are teaming up in organizing workshops for children from 7 - 17 during FOSDEM.

S'abonner à ce club

En vous abonnant à ce club, vous recevrez par e-mail des mises à jour et des notifications concernant le club, telles que les événements à venir.

Événements à venir

Important : si les jeunes présents ont moins de 13 ans, un parent ou un tuteur doit rester avec eux pendant toute la durée de l'événement.

Room UD6.203: MicroCode: Live, Portable Programming for Children

1 février 2025, 10:30 - 12:00

2 billets restants


  • All attendees must have an adult with them
  • Remember to bring your laptop with you
  • You must book a place to attend
  • Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell

Room UD6.203: Learn Python programming using Hedy

1 février 2025, 12:15 - 13:45

26 billets restants


  • All attendees must have an adult with them
  • Remember to bring your laptop with you
  • You must book a place to attend
  • Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell

Room UD6.203: Modsoup : Recipe and ingredients - Creating a modpack/gamepack for Luanti/Minetest

1 février 2025, 14:00 - 15:30

7 billets restants


  • All attendees must have an adult with them
  • Remember to bring your laptop with you
  • You must book a place to attend
  • Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell

Room UD6.203: Physics count game using ZIM

1 février 2025, 15:45 - 17:15

28 billets restants


  • All attendees must have an adult with them
  • Remember to bring your laptop with you
  • You must book a place to attend
  • Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell

Room UD6.205: Learn to build your own mobile app with MIT App Inventor

1 février 2025, 10:30 - 12:00

21 billets restants


  • All attendees must have an adult with them
  • Remember to bring your laptop with you
  • Remember to bring an Android phone
  • You must book a place to attend
  • Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell

Room UD6.205: Program a Tiny Computer!

1 février 2025, 12:15 - 13:45

21 billets restants


  • All attendees must have an adult with them
  • Remember to bring your laptop with you
  • You must book a place to attend
  • Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell

Room UD6.205: Snap!GPT: Exploring Generative AI Through Visual Programming

1 février 2025, 14:00 - 15:30

22 billets restants


  • All attendees must have an adult with them
  • Remember to bring your laptop with you
  • You must book a place to attend
  • Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell

Room UD6.205: The Magic of Making a Radio Remote Controller

1 février 2025, 15:45 - 17:15

20 billets restants


  • All attendees must have an adult with them
  • Remember to bring your laptop with you
  • You must book a place to attend
  • Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell

Room UD6.203: Creative with Coding

2 février 2025, 09:00 - 10:30

23 billets restants


  • All attendees must have an adult with them
  • Remember to bring your laptop with you
  • You must book a place to attend
  • Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell

Room UD6.203: Create a Critter using TurtleStitch

2 février 2025, 10:45 - 12:15

25 billets restants


  • All attendees must have an adult with them
  • Remember to bring your laptop with you
  • You must book a place to attend
  • Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell

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