S'abonner à ce club
En vous abonnant à ce club, vous recevrez par e-mail des mises à jour et des notifications concernant le club, telles que les événements à venir.
Faire du bénévolat dans ce club
Les bénévoles soutiennent l'apprentissage des jeunes et aident le club à fonctionner plus efficacement. Par exemple, les bénévoles peuvent aider les jeunes pendant la durée du club, préparer l'équipement à l'avance ou s'occuper de tâches administratives.
Vous devez vous connecter avant de demander à être bénévole dans ce club.
FOSDEM, Code Club, and developers are teaming up in organizing workshops for children from 7 - 17 during FOSDEM.
S'abonner à ce club
En vous abonnant à ce club, vous recevrez par e-mail des mises à jour et des notifications concernant le club, telles que les événements à venir.
Faire du bénévolat dans ce club
Les bénévoles soutiennent l'apprentissage des jeunes et aident le club à fonctionner plus efficacement. Par exemple, les bénévoles peuvent aider les jeunes pendant la durée du club, préparer l'équipement à l'avance ou s'occuper de tâches administratives.
Vous devez vous connecter avant de demander à être bénévole dans ce club.
Événements à venir
Important : si les jeunes présents ont moins de 13 ans, un parent ou un tuteur doit rester avec eux pendant toute la durée de l'événement.
Room UD6.203: MicroCode: Live, Portable Programming for Children
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell
Room UD6.203: Learn Python programming using Hedy
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell
Room UD6.203: Modsoup : Recipe and ingredients - Creating a modpack/gamepack for Luanti/Minetest
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell
Room UD6.203: Physics count game using ZIM
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell
Room UD6.205: Learn to build your own mobile app with MIT App Inventor
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- Remember to bring an Android phone
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell
Room UD6.205: Program a Tiny Computer!
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell
Room UD6.205: Snap!GPT: Exploring Generative AI Through Visual Programming
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell
Room UD6.205: The Magic of Making a Radio Remote Controller
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell
Room UD6.203: Creative with Coding
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell
Room UD6.203: Create a Critter using TurtleStitch
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell