🇮🇳 Code Club India

Start a Code Club at your school or community centre to bring coding to young learners in India!

Resources and support

When you start a Code Club or join an existing one, we will give you all the coding projects and support you need!

Develop your skills

You can learn to create games, animations, websites, and robots alongside your young students at Code Club!

Be part of the community

Join more than 500 Code Clubs across India supporting young students to learn to code!

Meet Vasu!

Vasu helps people across India start new Code Clubs and supports existing clubs with training and resources. She is excited to help you introduce Code Club to your young learners!

Get in touch with Vasu


We run regular training and events to support the global Code Club community.

View events and training

Coding resources for clubs in India

Our projects are free and open to all. They are easy-to-follow, step-by-step guides that young students use to make their own games, animations, and websites with coding languages such as Scratch, HTML/CSS, and Python.

For our clubs in India, we offer projects in Hindi, Kannada or Marathi.

Learn science and coding

We have developed a Learn Coding Through Science guide which has a curated a list of projects to help you teach science concepts from the NCERT Science textbook using Scratch, HTML, Python, or Raspberry Pi computers!