27th October 2020
Coding at home with Willow Brook School
Willow Brook Primary School Academy started using Scratch to help their students keep coding from home while schools were closed.
Find out how they set up their #CodeClub@Home and read their top tips for running remote coding sessions.
Going online with Scratch
Willow Brook Primary School Academy started their Code Club in summer 2016. With the uncertainty of the past few months, the club was keen to find a way to continue offering engaging extracurricular opportunities to their cohort of young coders.
With the help of Scratch’s free Teacher Accounts, the school was able to offer their students a way to connect through remote sessions called #CodeClub@Home. Multiple Scratch classrooms were set up for attendees, with nearly 500 young coders across several schools offered the opportunity to take part.

Online learning is a central part of school life at Willow Brook. Club projects are added to the school’s existing online learning platform, for students to download and work through at home using their Scratch accounts. The club has used Scratch projects from Barefoot Computing and Code Club to run their sessions, starting with one of our favourites, Rock band!
The club also awards certificates, which provide a fun way to celebrate creativity and success, and to keep club members feeling interested and motivated to attend the club.

What makes a good online session?
Allen Tsui, the club’s leader, shared that gaining support from the school’s SLT and multi-academy trust has been a huge help:
“One of the founding principles of our school and its multi-academy trust is offering high-quality extracurricular provision to as many children as possible through its Wide Horizons programme. Its support for Code Club has been enthusiastic from the outset.”
He also shared his five top tips for running successful sessions:
- “Make use of the expertise that’s available! Attend free training events offered by the National Centre for Computing Education, Computing at School, or through social media.”
- “Be limitless in your approach: teachers often work within ‘age-related expectations’, but access to the internet and technology may mean that younger learners are able to engage with what might be considered ‘higher digital literacy skills’.”
- “Celebrate success by allowing your attendees to showcase what they have made.”
- “Encourage families and the wider community to get involved.”
- “Don’t be afraid to ask for donations for your Code Club. Our club has benefited from significant donations and amazing opportunities, such as building LEGO® robots at the Houses of Parliament.”
The club’s new format has received amazing support and engagement from families keen to get involved. And the young people at the club are having a wonderful time taking part too:
“I love showing my family how I am learning to code using project ideas from Code Club and the online version of Scratch.”
If you’re inspired by Willow Brook School, we have free guidance and resources to help you run your club sessions. Take a look at our website for ideas and guidance on ways to run, or join an upcoming community call.