Peterborough CoderDojo at Orton Library - Saturday 22nd March (Session 1)
- Peterborough CoderDojo is a free, relaxed and fun programming club for children aged 7-17.
- We offer a range of activities suitable for beginners and experienced coders.
- Children can learn to make their own digital creations such as animations, games and websites.
- You must book a place to attend.
- Attendees aged 12 or under must be accompanied by an adult.
- Please note we are currently offering two sessions to enable more children to attend. Both sessions will be the same - please book your child onto one of the two sessions only.
- Please don’t come if you suspect you have, or are positive for, Covid-19.
- The library can get very warm during hot weather. We advise you to bring a bottle of water for your child.
- If you book in for a session but can no longer attend, please let us know so we can make the space available for another child.
- If a session you would like to attend is fully booked, please email bretton_vivacity.uk@coderdojo.com to be added to the waiting list.
十分なスペースを確保できるように、Code Club に参加する予定の人を把握する必要があります。