
Subscribe to this club

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Key Details

Usual events: weekly on Saturday. 10:00 - 12:00

This club runs in-person events

Volunteers needed


Şcoala Generală Bascov DN7C Bascov 117045 România

View on Google Maps


Note propuse:

Vă rugăm să aduceți:

  • Laptop si incarcator. Împrumutați unul de la cineva dacă aveți nevoie.
  • Părinte! (Foarte important). Dacă aveți 12 ani sau mai puțin, un părinte vă va însoți în mod obligatoriu pe toată durata sesiunii.


Subscribe to this club

By subscribing to this club, you will receive email updates and notifications about the club, such as updates about upcoming events.

Upcoming events

No upcoming events

This club may list their events on another website or they may encourage people to attend without booking. Please email pitesti.ro@coderdojo.com to find out about their upcoming events.

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