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By subscribing to this club, you will receive email updates and notifications about the club, such as updates about upcoming events.
Volunteer at this club
Volunteers support young people’s learning, and help the club run more efficiently. For example, volunteers might help young people during club time, set up equipment beforehand, or handle administrative tasks.
You have to log in before requesting to volunteer at this club.
Coderdojo è un movimento di volontari che insegnano gratuitamente le basi della programmazione a bambini e ragazzi dai 6 anni. I partecipanti sotto i 12 anni devono essere accompagnati da un adulto.
Per partecipare bastano un pc portatile e tanto entusiasmo: in un dojo si impara giocando, collaborando con gli altri e con l’aiuto dei nostri mentor.
Gli strumenti principali previsti sono Scratch ( e P5.js (,, entrambi gratuiti e liberi.
Per qualsiasi informazione potete contattarci via posta elettronica.
Subscribe to this club
By subscribing to this club, you will receive email updates and notifications about the club, such as updates about upcoming events.
Volunteer at this club
Volunteers support young people’s learning, and help the club run more efficiently. For example, volunteers might help young people during club time, set up equipment beforehand, or handle administrative tasks.
You have to log in before requesting to volunteer at this club.
Upcoming events
No upcoming events
This club may list their events on another website or they may encourage people to attend without booking. Please email to find out about their upcoming events.