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Volunteers support young people’s learning, and help the club run more efficiently. For example, volunteers might help young people during club time, set up equipment beforehand, or handle administrative tasks.
You have to log in before requesting to volunteer at this club.
Private club
Private clubs are open to people who are invited or who are associated with a particular organisation or school. If you are a member of the general public, please do not contact this club about attendance.
Hi, I am Miss Diack the Computing Lead at St Francis de Sales Catholic Infants and Nursery School. I currently run Code Club afterschool for 1 hour. We are a new club this term but so far we have had so much fun developing our understanding of code. I look forward to extending this club to more children and continuing it during the next academic years.
Subscribe to this club
By subscribing to this club, you will receive email updates and notifications about the club, such as updates about upcoming events.
Volunteer at this club
Volunteers support young people’s learning, and help the club run more efficiently. For example, volunteers might help young people during club time, set up equipment beforehand, or handle administrative tasks.
You have to log in before requesting to volunteer at this club.
Upcoming events
No upcoming events
This club may list their events on another website or they may encourage people to attend without booking.