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By subscribing to this club, you will receive email updates and notifications about the club, such as updates about upcoming events.
Volunteer at this club
Volunteers support young people’s learning, and help the club run more efficiently. For example, volunteers might help young people during club time, set up equipment beforehand, or handle administrative tasks.
You have to log in before requesting to volunteer at this club.
東京都小平市で開催している CoderDojo です。
For attending:
- 水曜(第2、4)=リモート、土曜(月1、2不定期)=現地
- 初参加の時は当会独自システムへの会員登録が必要
- 本年度4月1日に6〜17歳であること
- 小学3年生以下あるいは特別な配慮が必要なお子さんについては必ず保護者の同伴・保護者がある程度のメンタリングを行ってください
- 御自身のPCを持参してください(Win/Mac/Linuxどれでも。なければ貸しますが持ってくるのが面倒臭いというのは認めません)
- 完全な初心者には初心者向けのツールを紹介します
- Age 6-17yrs (1st Apr)
recommends: mathimatics level > Elementary Grade 3rd - A parent! (Very important). If you are 9 or under, your parent must stay with you during the session.
- Bring your own laptop. (Win/Mac/Linux)
- Please bring a drink if you wish.
- Just for beginners, we teach how to use Tools for Beginners.
Dojo Information:
- All events are free.
- Remote: every week (Wed), Venue: every month (Sat/Sun)
- Check our site for information about our next Dojo.
- Looking for mentors and speakers. (in Japanese)
- Go to our site or Facebook Page for more information.
Subscribe to this club
By subscribing to this club, you will receive email updates and notifications about the club, such as updates about upcoming events.
Volunteer at this club
Volunteers support young people’s learning, and help the club run more efficiently. For example, volunteers might help young people during club time, set up equipment beforehand, or handle administrative tasks.
You have to log in before requesting to volunteer at this club.
Upcoming events
No upcoming events
This club may list their events on another website or they may encourage people to attend without booking. Please email to find out about their upcoming events.