Discover ‘Don’t collide!’ – A great starter project for Python and Coolest Projects

Does Raspberry Pi Foundation Learning Manager, Mac, have a favourite Code Club project? Yes, he does! He shares insights into an exciting Python game that promises both fun and learning. He also explains why it’s an excellent choice of project to enter into the 2024 Coolest Projects online showcase!

Mac is sat down and waving to the screen. Say hello to Mac!

Hi Mac! You’ve worked on a lot of the Foundation’s projects. Can you share one of your favourites with us? 

That’s a tricky question! There are so many to choose from, but if I have to narrow it down to one project, I like our Python ‘Don’t collide!’ game. This project is in our Introduction to Python: Variables, functions, and loops path and it serves as an excellent introduction to the Design projects of 3…2…1…Make!. 

Why did you pick this project? 

This project helps young people learn to draw things in Python. They also have fun with images and emojis as game characters. I also really like that they learn to understand and use loops, if statements, and handle collisions between characters and obstacles. These are all essential building blocks of game creation when using the text-based programming language Python. 

Do you have any tips for introducing this project into a Code Club session?   

First off, run the game examples provided in the project to ignite children’s excitement about creating their games. 

Next, encourage young people to make their own design choices and put their own unique personalities and creative styles into their games — the exciting result is that each project will be unique. 

My last tip is to encourage thorough testing and debugging at each step to make sure it’s running as they expected it to. One mistake at the start is harder to spot and fix if you only test it at the end!

Graphic of a girl with rollerskates on.Don’t collide!

What are the development/remix opportunities?  

There are so many options! The project is a great starter game, and learners can make it their own by matching it to a theme from their lives. Once they’ve picked their theme, they can then choose a character, backdrop, and obstacles to match that theme. 

Once the game is working, they can upgrade it by adding levels, or a high score table, or maybe extra types of obstacles. There are so many ways to make this project your own.

How can young people use the ‘Don’t collide!’ project to enter Coolest Projects? 

It fits perfectly into the Games category of Coolest Projects, and with enough improvements, it might even be fit for the Advanced programming category.

Thanks, Mac!

Registration is open for Coolest Projects. Take part in Coolest Projects online!

Don’t collide!’ encourages your club members to build their Python programming skills. Why not showcase this achievement and celebrate their work by submitting it to the Coolest Projects showcase?

Young people have until 22 May to submit their creations. If you need further support, check out the resources for mentors webpage. Make sure you share your progress on X using the hashtag #CoolestProjects.

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