Your nine favourite Scratch projects!

Have you ever wanted to know which Scratch projects educators enjoy using in their Code Clubs?

We asked educators and supporters to tell us about their favourite Code Club Scratch projects.

The nine projects below were firm favourites from our community. Find out why they are so special to our educators and how you can use them in your Code Club. There is a perfect project for everyone, from beginners to more experienced coders.

Top nine Scratch projects

1. Boat race

This brilliant racing game is super popular with young coders who love developing their coding skills to create their own variations of the game.

“It’s simple enough for even the younger students to follow but has so much scope for extra features. It’s also a great basis for creating other top-down racing games.”

Darren Townsend, Southwold Primary School Code Club

“I love Boat Race, there are always so many awesome variations/remixes on that project with young people sharing and playing each other’s games and seeing who can make the trickiest map/maze to get through in a fast time!”

Tanya Howden, The Innovation Centre at Tynecastle Park

2. Space talk

The first project in the project path ‘Introduction to Scratch: sprites, scripts, and loops’ provides a great introduction to block-based programming. 

“It’s such an easy way to understand how coding logic and conditions work. Whether you’re a young coder or a volunteer with no coding experience, this is a really fun and accessible project.”

Izzy Ronaldson, Global Community Coordinator

Space talk

3. Chatbot

We have loved seeing so many remixes of the Chatbot project over the years. It introduces learners to use code to join text in Scratch.

“Chatbot is still my all-time favourite [project]. You can use it for quizzes and many other interactive games.”

Queen Elohoghene Justice-Usum, QueTice Code Club, Nigeria

4. Ghostbusters

Ghosts, ghouls, goblins, and sometimes an Easter egg! This brilliant Scratch project really gets coders to be imaginative as they create a game where they can add a variable to store a score. 

“Ghostbusters for sure! I taught a remix Easter egg hunt version a couple of years ago which the children loved.”

Miss Singleton, St Mark’s Primary, Scotland 

5. Catch the bus

Building on the skills from ‘Space talk’, this project helps learners to create a fun animation. They learn how to use the repeat loop, move sprites, and switch costumes.

“I love seeing the look of amazement on the young coders’ faces when the sprites disappear and the bus drives off.”

Darren Bayliss, Programme Coordinator, Ireland

Catch the bus

6. I made you a book

In this project, learners use a project brief to create their own book. They can tell a story or share facts on a subject that interests them. 

“This project has everything, [it] gives the right amount of freedom, flexibility and guidance to young people to create and build on their own ideas — however different or similar they may be!”

Sangeeta Sharma, NGB Code Club, India

7. Grow a dragonfly

This project belongs to our new project path ‘More Scratch: broadcast, decisions, and variables’. Learners make a nature app where a dragonfly grows bigger as it eats insects. They can also explore the sound editor to add and change sounds in the app — headphones are optional! 

“Not only did my code clubbers find out some amazing facts about dragonflies that blew their minds, but when they saw the fab edits they could make to Scratch library sounds they got so creative — since then every session has had an extra level of noise….and I love it!”

Liz Smart, Clarendon Road Code Club, England

Grow a dragon fly

8. Lost in space

An oldie but a favourite amongst our beginner coders (young and old). This Scratch project guarantees to bring a smile to your face and ignite your curiosity to learn more about coding.

“‘Lost in space’ and it’s great to see how much learners enjoy their first Scratch animation.”

Paul Brennan, Rhiwbina Library Code Club, Wales

9. Create your own world

Go on an adventure with your Code Club members and build an adventure world with multiple levels to explore.

“‘Create your own world’ is a great introduction to creating a multi-level game. I absolutely love it!”

Christina Foust, Program Manager North America

Explore our free educational project paths

Whether your Code Club is starting out on Scratch projects or looking to explore other coding languages, we have something for you. 

You can find all the Code Club classics on our projects webpage or explore the all-new project paths, where coders are guided through new coding and design skills to make things that matter to them. 

Have we missed your favourite Scratch project off our list? Share it with us on Twitter, using the hashtag #MyCodeClub. 

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