22nd June 2020
Dear Code Club supporters
Dear Code Club supporters,
We hope you are keeping well. Over the last three months, we’ve seen the Code Club community across the world doing amazing things and adopting new approaches to support children to keep coding from home.
Many of you have delivered your Code Clubs virtually or online, and to help you navigate this new way of working, we have produced guidance on running clubs online or virtually, which we are continuing to update. It’s packed with great advice, so make sure you take a look!

Since the beginning of March, Kat and Nuala have been hosting community calls, and we’ve engaged with more than 1000 members of the community. We have listened to your helpful comments and developed some new topics to meet your needs as a community. All calls are available online for you to listen to, and we plan to continue hosting these calls fortnightly — we hope to see you there soon!
We’ve also loved seeing your club members getting involved with the Digital Making at Home series, and sharing their projects with the team. Head over to rpf.io/home to see this week’s theme, and mark your calendars for Mr C’s next weekly LIVE code-along session on Wednesday 24 June!
Recently, Ed, a young Code Club member, joined Mr C for a live code-along session and interviewed Eben Upton, co-founder of the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Watch the video and find out what Eben’s favourite sweet is!

Over the coming weeks, we will be sharing some amazing stories from India, Canada, Australia, and the UK. We’re so excited to showcase the inspirational work that clubs across the world have been doing.
In our first blog post, which will be out on Monday 29 June, we will be speaking to Maddy from Code Club Canada, about how their learners have adjusted to the online learning experience.

Talking to our fantastic community is helping us to shape and adapt Code Club for the future. I would love to hear how you are getting on! Please share how you have been staying in contact with your Code Club on Twitter at Code Club UK or Code Club World using the hashtag #MyCodeClub.
Stay safe and keep coding!
Lucia Manzitti
Head of Code Club UK and Ireland