Code Club films: start a club in your school

What do Tile Hill Library, Y Bont Faen Primary School, and Liverpool Central Library all have in common? Answer: they are all Star Clubs who agreed to let us film their club sessions last term!

We wanted to make some films that showed different Code Clubs in action, to help us spread the word about our programme and encourage more schools and libraries to start up clubs.

The week before Christmas we jumped in a car packed full of equipment and headed across Wales to visit Y Bont Faen Primary. Despite the fact that they were all a bit tired after their Christmas show, the children (and adults) were very energetic and helped us create a great film about how Code Club works in a school environment.

Watch the film here:

We’ll be releasing two more films in the coming weeks, so stay tuned! In the mean time, you can check out more great content on the Raspberry Pi Foundation Youtube account.

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