Scratch 1.4 projects

We sent out some surveys in June and we noticed that a lot of you told us that you are using Scratch 1.4. As our projects were created for Scratch 2.0, the process of using these resources isn’t as smooth as it could be.

When we found out about this we wanted to help, so we popped our noses to the grindstone and created parallel versions of our first 6 projects specifically for Scratch 1.4, which comes included with Raspbian on the Raspberry Pi.

These versions are as close to the Scratch 2 versions as they can be, so the children in your club can make the same cool games and animations.

We did have to make some slight adjustments to suit Scratch 1.4, so we’ve updated the screenshots too to ensure the instructions are nice and easy to follow.

Code Club Projects 7 – 12 take advantage of the extra functionality that Scratch 2.0 offers so if you’re looking to progress in Scratch through Module 2, you will need to upgrade. You can download it for free but please note that it is not currently compatible with the Raspberry Pi.

Have a go at our Scratch projects by clicking here, then scrolling to the bottom of the page to see the 1.4 projects.


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