Remembering Code Club Volunteer Wendy Lynch

We were very sad to hear about the passing of Wendy Lynch last week. Wendy was an amazing lady who was a huge supporter of Code Club, running the very first Code Club in Soho Parish alongside Simon Wharton and Laura Kirsop. She was very patient  with children and journalists alike as they came to visit her club so often.

Running her own web design business, Wendy was very inspiring to her Code Club and made a great volunteer. Later on she opened a Code Club at Dragon Hall Community Centre in Covent Garden in order to give the opportunity to an even wider group of children than before. Wendy didn’t just support Code Club, she ran a Coder Dojo, tech days at Dragon Hall and was a tech mum too. She was always a friendly face at most London ed tech meet ups and will be sorely missed.

Wendy supported her two brilliant teenage daughters, the youngest of whom also attended the first Code Club. Wendy’s friends have started a fund to help her daughters have the education that she worked so hard to secure for them.

If you would like to make a donation in memory of Wendy and all her hard work, then please do visit:


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