Keep coding over Christmas!

As Christmas draws near we’re getting into the holiday spirit at Code Club HQ!

For those who are keen to keep coding over the break, we’ve got a list of some fun festive activities for you:

  1. Remix our HTML project “Happy Birthday” to make a Christmas card to send to friends and family. See our attempt here.
  2. It’s looking unlikely that we’ll have a white Christmas this year… but if you’re a registered volunteer, club host, or if your child attends a Code Club, then you can access our Scratch project “Snowball fight”. Have a go here.
  3. We dug deep into the Code Club projects archives and found our “Christmas Capers” project – one of the very first batch of Scratch projects we made. For a dose of festive nostalgia, you can download the project here.

From everyone at Code Club, we wish you a very merry Christmas. We also want to say another big, BIG thankyou to all our amazing volunteers, teachers and supporters – it’s been a fantastic year for Code Club,  so thank you for all your hard work and dedication in 2015.

Christmas thank you

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