New Coordinators Join Our Team!

We’re excited to welcome four new coordinators to our team who will be working to support our clubs and grow our community in the UK.

Dan Powell will be stationed in the South East, Dan Elwick in London, Tim Wilson in the West Midlands and Phil Sharratt will be joining the South West.

Dan Powell

I’m Dan, the new coordinator for the South East for Code Club. I got a ZX81 for Christmas when I was 12 and started copying BASIC out of magazines and learning how to write my own basic code, imagine my amazement when I got an Acorn Electron a couple of years later (which I still have in my loft) and was able to play Elite. I trained as an artist and use Pure Data and Arduino as part of my practice, performing and organising shows in and around Brighton.

I also have a background as a fundraiser and have worked extensively with schools and supporting groups of volunteers. I’ve had a bee in my bonnet about kids and programming since my children started at school and I’m enjoying learning Scratch with my eldest daughter.

Drop me a line on or @codeclubse


I’m Dan, Code Club’s coordinator for London.

My background is working with volunteers in the charity sector. Over the last five years I have supported volunteers all over London and the South of England to deliver a wide range of activities, from organising public events about science to helping long-term unemployed people find jobs, so I know how much volunteers can achieve.

From what I’ve seen so far, Code Club generates the same level of excitement I remember from first playing Sonic the Hedgehog as a kid, while doing something far more constructive than completing levels in the fastest time possible, which can only be a brilliant thing in my opinion.

Please feel free to get in touch at or @codeclublondon


Hello one and all, I’m Tim and I’m the new coordinator and face for all things Code Club in the West Midlands region.

I am hugely excited to be working for such a fantastic organisation and ensuring that as many kids as possible can benefit from what we do.

I have spent much of my career to date in the broad creative, cultural, tech, digital and education sectors, including working on projects and programmes which showcase technology, social media and ideation whilst also bringing play, experimentation and much coffee drinking into the mix.

I am founder of Gallerycamp and Coffee Birmingham, co-organiser of Likemind Birmingham, a visiting lecturer and events organiser at Birmingham City University and a drummer for bands Under A Banner and Progoctopus.

I’d love to hear from you, so please get in touch with me at or @codeclubwmids


Hi, my name is Phil and I am a new Code Club Coordinator in the South West, working alongside Seemah Burgess.

For the last 25 years I have been involved in delivery of projects to support business communities to grow so they employ more people, and for local communities to create more businesses as a way of tackling deprivation and poverty. I remember the first desktop computer I used was in 1988 in a government department. The screen was green and it had a simple word processing programme and a spreadsheet function, which was the primary purpose of the machine within the office. The other computer on my desk was the terminal of a mainframe that required a programme to be written to extract any information needed. That mandatory 3 day programming course was my first real contact with the world of computing – the desktop was simpler and much quicker!

I am looking forward to working with businesses and large employers in the South West to find volunteers to help run Code Clubs, to meeting all the fabulous people already involved, and seeing the benefit that Code Clubs bring to the thousands of young people we need to reach.

Contact me on

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