Meet our new Participation Manager!

Hi there, good to meet you folks!

My name is Sarah and I am the new Participation Manager at Code Club. Some of you might have already met me as I’ve been developing training materials and helping to deliver training sessions for volunteers across the UK.


So, what does this marvellous new Participation Manager do, I hear you ask? Well, training for volunteers is a part of my job, but my main mission is to onboard and reward volunteers. In other words, to make sure that if you want to volunteer for Code Club the process of signing up is as easy as possible, and that once you are volunteering you get looked after nicely and get all the support you need :)

The first thing I want to do is find out how our volunteers use the resources we already offer and what we could add or improve upon to make your experience as part of Code Club even better! I’ve set up Google Hangouts at different times over the next few weeks so we can chat.

If you can’t join me on the hangouts, feel free to drop me a line instead with thoughts or ideas about how we can improve the experience of volunteering with Code Club. Just send me an email:

Also, if you’re coming to the Code Club Birthday Party in London on 30th April do come and say hi – I’ll be the one in charge of the cake.

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