NW and SE calling!

Hello friends! We hope August is treating you well; we’ve been having a great time here at Code Club HQ, getting lots of exciting things ready for the next school year.

We’d like to introduce you to two more of our new regional coordinators: Liz in the North West and Paul in the South East…


Hi! I’m Liz, the new North West coordinator for Code Club.

When I was around our 9-11 age group, my Dad (a brickie with no experience of computers at all) came home one day with a box under his arm containing an Amiga 500. The deal, he said, was that me and my brother could play games on it without restriction as long as we showed him something not game related first; we became hooked on understanding the ins and outs of computers and programming.

I have children myself now; my daughter is 9 years old and I’m going to make sure she has the options, should she want them, to develop her love of technology. That led me to Code Club!

I’ll be in touch properly soon but in the meantime if you want to chat you can get me via email at northwest@codeclub.org.uk or tweet me: @libxx1

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Hello! Having just started as the new South East Coordinator for Code Club I think I should introduce myself… :)

When I was in secondary school my dad saw an advert for one of those new home computer things, a Sinclair ZX81, and thought it would be educational, so we got one. These plugged into the TV, and had no fancy colour graphics or sound, but I was still hooked. This, and studying Computer Science in school, led to a career with computers.

Roll forward to 2012 and I’m a dad with two sons at a primary school, where I am also a governor. I heard about a new thing called Code Club and decided to run pilot sessions in my sons’ school – I’ve done a lot since, and it’s been great!

I’m looking to contact everyone in the south east over the next few months, but you are welcome to get in touch either via email at southeast@codeclub.org.uk or find me on Twitter @aptanet!

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