Code Clubbing all over the world!

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We’ve been hinting at it for a while and it’s finally here. Code Club World has landed!

The mission of Code Club World is to give every child in the world the chance to learn to code by providing project materials and a volunteering framework that supports after-school coding clubs.

Code Club UK projects have been made open source and are currently being translated by local volunteers in countries around the world. The translated projects and our support (sharing our experience running Code Club UK) are then made available by Code Club World to volunteers in order for them to create their own Code Club organisations at a country level, e.g. Code Club Brazil. These organisations will support individual club leaders, made up of local developers and teachers, to start Code Clubs at a local level.

Code Club scratch projects have already been translated into Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch,  German, Norwegian and Ukrainian with French, Greek and Spanish translations almost finished too.

We’re so excited about this and can’t wait to see Code Clubs popping up all over the world. New Code Clubs are already registered in the USA, Germany, Italy and India!

Visit for more information on starting Code Club in your country. Good luck!

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