An ARM and a leg

It doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to run Code Club, in fact we pride ourselves on being very lean. But there are costs and we do need financial support. So imagine how pleased we were to hear from ARM. If you don’t know who ARM are then it’s easiest if I explain that if you’re reading this on a laptop or smartphone there is a 90% that there is an ARM chip inside it. Even the Raspberry Pi computer is powered by ARM technology.

ARM are now our first corporate partner and will be financially supporting Code Club throughout this year. They developers have started 12 clubs around their HQ in Cambridge and will be helping us with future terms of projects that we’re planning.

“The UK is home to some of the world’s most innovative companies, creating technology that lies at the heart of familiar and iconic digital products. For the UK to continue to be a world leader in this area, we must inspire and educate the next generation, not only about the use of technology but also about how technology actually works,” said Stephen Pattison, vice president, Public Affairs, ARM.

We’re really pleased to have ARM’s support as it means we can grow Code Club rapidly. Now that we’ve reached a milestone of 500 clubs our next target is 1000. Onwards an upwards!



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