We’re happy as Raspberry Pi



We’re really excited to announce that we are part of a joint project between Google and Raspberry Pi. In the next month Google will deliver over 15,000 Raspberry Pi computers and divide them between five strategic partners and we are very excited to be one of those partners.

We’ll have over 3000 Raspberry Pi computers to distribute throughout our network of Code Clubs!

We’ll be giving some to each of the current clubs and some to the next clubs that sign up (and need them) until they are all gone. Once the Raspberry Pis are in the schools our volunteers will then make sure that after a while they go to the children in the club that will get the most use from them.

We’ll post details about how current clubs can claim their Raspberry Pis very soon but in the meantime keep going with Scratch and start collecting the peripherals you’ll need.

So here’s what to do next:

If having hardware to programme on is a problem for your school and you want to start a Code Club then you can make sure you find a volunteer as soon as possible by following the steps on this page http://www.codeclub.org.uk/getting-started/schools.

If you’d like to volunteer to teach Code Club then follow the steps on this page http://www.codeclub.org.uk/getting-started/volunteers If you already have a club then just sit tight and we’ll be in touch as soon as we begin distribution.

If you are a parent and think this sounds like the kind of thing your children and their friends would enjoy then follow these steps. http://www.codeclub.org.uk/getting-started/parents

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