Help our hack (please!)

We’re going to give 100 developers a Raspberry-Pi, 24 hours and electricity, wifi and food and ask them to each create a Code Club project that use a Raspberry-Pi.

The aim of the game is to create something that a 9-11 year old could make themselves. We’ll write the projects up in child friendly language and collectively they will have helped a generation to understand how computers work. Hooray! What an EXCELLENT plan.

But there’s a problem. We had a venue and sponsor all sorted but for secret reasons they’ve had to pull out. MEGA SAD FACE.

So we need your help. We need a venue in London that can hold 100 hackers for 24 hours. Saturday to Sunday on the 8th December.

Next we need a sponsor. We need a total of £5000 to put this event on in order to feed and water our hard working hackers for 24 hours.

So who can help? Can you help? Is someone you know in charge of sponsorship budgets or venue space? Then please ask them to email asap.

Please help us make this happen.

Clare and Linda

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