Our five month birthday

Five months ago on the 16th of April we launched Code Club with a single tweet. We thought we’d start small and have about 20 schools by the end of the year but the response we had to that tweet has been amazing. We had so many schools signing up to take part in our pilot scheme that it was difficult to choose just 20 to participate. In the end we tested our projects with 22 schools and received weekly feedback from them on both the projects and the model itself.

We spent the school holidays designing the projects and producing a comprehensive support pack for our volunteers. We also launched a new website full of helpful content for people who are interested in starting a Code Cub at their school which you can check out here www.codeclub.org.uk

So we are delighted that at the beginning of this new school year over 200 volunteers started a Code Club at their local primary school. We know the average number of children at a Code Club is 15 which means approximately 3000 kids now belong to a Code Club and are learning to code. #AIRPUNCH

But don’t worry, we won’t stop now! The second term of projects is being written as I type and plans for the third term are underway too. We are hoping to grow the number of Code Clubs at a steady pace and continue to provide support for all our wonderful volunteers who so generously give up their time to teach the next generation how to code. *beams*

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