Brighton Digital Festival and Scratch workshops

In September we took part in the Brighton Digital Festival at two different events. The first was Brighton Mini Maker Faire at the Brighton Dome. It was a fantastic event with loads of wicked robots and people having a go at making both digital and non-digital THINGS. We had a little stall and were swamped with people wanting to ask questions about Code Club. It’s great to meet so many enthusiastic people!

The following Tuesday one of our fantastic Brighton based volunteers organised a meet up people in Brighton who wanted to know more about Code Club, thanks to the wonders of the internet I was able to join them via Skype. The next day we ran a Scratch workshop for people planning to start a Code Club in Brighton this term. The purpose was to brush up on Scratch skills, swap tips and meet the other local volunteers. So we are in the process of planning a similar workshop in London which combines a Code Club Q&A with Scratch and will announce the date and venue as soon as we know them! Diaries at the ready!

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