And so it begins

Team Code Club

Team Code Club cooing over Sense hardware and a Raspberry Pi

Last night I had one of the most enjoyable meetings in my short(ish) life. Linda and I headed to Mozilla HQ (who had kindly lent us their big meeting room) to meet the the newest members of Team Code Club who we’d asked to help us write the curriculum for Code Club’s first term. Neil Smith is a lecturer at The Open University in the computing department, Adam Onishi is a front end developer at One in Oxford, Alex Rosen is an ex computer science student, developer and co-founder of Breed and Craft and Josh Emerson is an awesome front end developer at Clearleft in Brighton. We’ll also be consulting with Aral Balkan, Seb Lee-Delisle and Dr Sue Black remotely as we reach critical stages in the development of the curriculum.

We looked at the current Scratch curriculum guidelines and discussed what we’d like to change and add to it. We’ve decided to create small projects that can be completed at a rate of one per session with varying levels of difficulty. We’ll be creating four lessons to begin with, these will then be tested in our 20 pilot schools to gain feedback and insight into what works and what doesn’t. The pilot lessons will be in test schools in time for the last half term of the year before the school summer holidays.

It’s a privilege to work with such skilled and enthusiastic people. This is going to be A LOT of fun!

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