One helluva week one

Wow! We launched Code Club on Monday lunchtime and to be honest we’re totally shocked at the reaction we’ve had. The response from the industry has been overwhelmingly positive. We’ve had so many emails of support offering teaching experience, hack day venues, donations of all kinds and words of encouragement. Each one makes us smile.

At the time of writing this we currently have 1,142 people signed up to our volunteer mailing list. We realise that there will be a certain level of drop out but if even so we’re super pleased with the initial take up.

Of course it helped that we had some pretty decent coverage in the first couple of days and as @hyper_linda said “Real time Google analytics is a lot more fun when you’re on and

We now have a donations function where you can donate to the funding of Code Club (which we currently pay for out of our own pockets). We’ve also added a mailing list for schools which also asks for your postcode so that volunteers will be able to search for interested schools.

The generous guys at Event Handler have decided to donate 10% of their ticket sales for London JS School Trip to Code Club! So get on over there and buy a ticket!

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